
Lavapiés becomes a true urban museum from April 24 to 30. You can already see the finished works of the invited artists and enjoy the interventions of the 55 participating artists in the 55 facades and shop windows of the businessmen, hoteliers and merchants of Lavapiés.

This year, among the numerous works, visitors will be able to enjoy painting on glass, as in the case of the artists Alba Bla, Lu de López, Búnker or Rafa Bertone; of installations in shop windows and facades such as those by Mario García, Marta Vela, Las Enganchadas or Apolo el Floho; or participatory interventions such as that of the aeiou collective. In addition, there will be no shortage of painting on facades, by artists such as the tandem formed by Ramón Amorós and Adrián Cao, the Laekis collective, Fea333, Moonventure, Gorka Gil or Malo Largo. In addition, the presence of international artists from Finland, Mexico or Colombia stands out.


Alhambra work: “The guardian of reason”, Guest artist: Javier Lobo (MIEK). Photography: José Antonio Rojo. Calle Argumosa, 28.


Inspired by the book "The Art of Loving by Eric Fromm", this mural reminds us to maintain that conciliatory spirit with others, even when we are not in the bar drinking our favorite beer, and presents the same character in 3 poses conceptualizing their values ; fairness and empathy, faith and discipline and objectivity and reason, qualities of an adult and united society.


Special guest artists: Work: “LA DÉCADA” Photography: José Antonio Rojo. ¨Where the wind turns around¨, Mesón de Paredes 81.


With their work, our elders declare that they feel happy to once again contribute their grain of sand to this festival of color that fills our streets with art and good vibrations; and also proud to support our hoteliers and merchants by contributing to life in our neighborhood, they say that CALLE reminds them of the times when the neighborhood was like a big family in which they always helped each other.

COMPETITION ARTISTS: What will we see this year in CALLE?

The artists will compete to get the 3 long-awaited prizes that will be awarded on May 11:

  • Jury Prize awarded by an independent jury, which will award a prize of €1,200 to the chosen intervention.
  • Alhambra Award , which will be awarded to the CALLE artist. 2022 most valued through a jury appointed by Cervezas Alhambra. The prize will be €800.
  • Audience Award , which will be awarded to the most valued intervention through CALLE's social networks, and will be endowed with €500.


Some of the works that can be seen this year:


"Borders to the limit"

The intervention of the No€ra collective on the façade of Café Barbieri deals with the theme of borders, giving a leading role to the Art Deco aesthetic of the premises and using the tapeart technique.



Very close to there, on the façade of Don Quixote, Víctor Solanas-Díaz has installed his wall of CDs and DVDs, which act as a mirror that simultaneously dispenses a rainbow iridescence that interacts with the viewer in a kinetic way.


"La chulapa"

In the window of Calzados Vinigón, the chulapa of David Bella and Sara Tébar awaits us, with an energetic and cheerful character and a carnation in her hair. An image that takes us, on the dates of San Isidro, to the origins of the old Spanish town of Madrid, at the end of the 19th century.


"Tell me everything you know"

If we want to participate in one of CALLE's works, we can go to the Santa Isabel Dental Clinic, between Buenaviosta and Zurita, where "Tell me everything you know" awaits us, the proposal of the aeiou collective, which wants to be above all a dialogue with the Lavapiés neighborhood and its inhabitants: the black spots become a useful space for interaction thanks to the use of specific "Chalk Board Paint" sprays. This surface thus becomes a place where pedestrians of all ages can interact decorating it to your liking and becoming an active part of the daily change process of the work.


"With a stick and a stone"

In the corner of El Rincón de Ores is the mural intervention by Ase Torralba, a work whose creation is born from play and creativity, from playing to create balances, to create volumes, to generate abstractions.


"Diversity Chops"

The façade of El Rincón Guay is renewed in this tenth edition of CALLE with the intervention of Gorka Gil. "Diversity Chops" is based on the idea of diversity and inclusiveness: Lavapiés is nothing more than a set of different slices (chops) of fruit, colorful and very diverse, that form a whole, varied people of different ages, races, interests and orientations living in an intercultural neighborhood rich in values.


"House Ghosts / House Taken"

Two CALLE classics also come together in this new edition: the emblematic corner of La Tiendina receives on this occasion the new proposal by Ramón Amorós, accompanied in this new intervention by fellow artist Adrián Cao. Both carry out a two-headed reflection on the space inhabited, uninhabited, housed, evicted, animated, inanimate, divided, shared, owned, taken. In the work, the concepts of house, home, protection, identity, privacy are present.


"It's a Match!"

For her part, Marta Vela returns to Los Placeres de Lola with a new woven installation for the occasion. It's a Match! It takes from the collective imagination one of the phrases that appears the most in personal relationships today: It's a Match (if you're lucky). In this case, the modification of this phrase wants to send a message of self-care, self-esteem and value yourself. When you match you choose yourself, without putting the perception you have of yourself in the eyes of the person in front of you.


"I Don't Mind"

In the windows of the Portomarín, Lu de López talks about those thoughts that you can't stop thinking about and thinking about, that are inserted in your head for an indefinite period of time and that are usually hidden behind an "I don't care" that doesn't usually give for nothing equal


"The Courage Under the Lining"

And speaking of traditional commerce, G. Nivaria plays at the closings of Tatema to honor those small businesses that have played an important role in the development of the neighborhood. Inspired by the tiled façade of the emblematic and defunct Comestibles Fino on Ministriles street, the artist has designed a new minimalist version that she has painted on the closings of a shop that is also beginning to have its run in Lavapiés: Tatema.


Ten years of collaboration and support for shops, bars and restaurants (complete information on participating establishments at:


…AND LATER, STREET ACTIVITIES! (from April 28 to May 14)

A complete exhibition that can be enjoyed simply by walking through Lavapiés. If you prefer, you can join one of the guided tours. The public will be able to enjoy guided tours of approximately one hour through the works and can be done with educated pets.

The sale will begin on Thursday, April 13, with a price of 5 euros per ticket (more information ).


Visiting hours:

Thursday and Friday: 7:00 p.m.

Saturdays: 12:00 p.m.

Sundays: 6:00 p.m.