10 results

Party items store, Balloons, Helium, Sweets Cakes, sweets, sweets, chocolates and details with chocolates and sweets to give away. Specialty in pro...
DADOO Sweets&Party
ONCE has more than 1,750 vendors and vendors of illusion in the streets and routes of our community and more than 900 vendors and vendors in the ca...
ONCE Kiosk - Calle Calahorra Nº 17
1 soccer field 11 of artificial grass with enclosure. (currently the club Periso football club has an authorization for use) 1 Skating rink. 1 chit...
Basic Municipal Sports Facility Parque de la Vicalvarada (sports center)
ONCE has more than 1,750 vendors and vendors of illusion in the streets and routes of our community and more than 900 vendors and vendors in the ca...
ONCE Kiosk - Calle Villardondiego Nº 18
Gluten-free artisan products workshop with a wide variety of sweet and savory: bread, pastries, cakes, empanadas, etc.
Gluten-free pastry Artediet

Free valuations, sale, rental, real estate services.
Tecnocasa. Vicalvaro real estate studio
Shoe store with national brands such as: Hispanitas, Callaghan, Pitillos, Wonders, Victoria, Pikolinos and accessories such as bags, wallets, belts...
Pilar Footwear
Sports classes and schools. Pre-infantile (3 to 5 years): midwifery and (0 to 3 years) swimming. Children (6 to 14 years, depending on modalities):...
Margot Moles Municipal Sports Center (Vicálvaro)
Management, advisory and consultancy services for companies and individuals, in the labor, legal, tax and accounting and human resources fields to ...
Manage | People and Companies