
The new call for subsidies for the modernization and revitalization of the municipal markets and food galleries of Madrid has been published.

  • The credit allocated to this call, approved by the Governing Board on March 7, exceeds 6.2 million euros.
  • This call will allow financing the measures to modernize the markets and galleries provided for in the comprehensive strategy to strengthen the city's commercial and hospitality activity 2024_2027, with which the government team provides continuity and deepens the progress made with the 2020_2023 strategy. , recognized by the government of Spain with the National Domestic Trade Award 2023.
  • The 2024 call incorporates a dozen new features compared to last year, increasing the initial credit allocated to its financing by 1.5 million euros.
  • New eligible concepts are incorporated, such as the provision of senior care points, the installation of acoustic lobbies and biosolar envelopes or the provision of free Wi-Fi service
  • The subsidy percentages are increased, going from 30 to 50% of the eligible investment for most general concepts, such as carrying out construction works, comprehensive renovations or conditioning of commercial structures, and can reach 95% for actions especially necessary
  • Two external members are added to the subsidy assessment committee
  • The deadline for submitting applications will begin the day after the bases are published in the official bulletins of the City Council and the Community of Madrid.

On March 21, the Official Gazette of the Madrid City Council published the 2024 call for subsidies for the modernization and revitalization of the municipal markets and food galleries in Madrid, with a total credit of more than 6.2 million euros.

Maintaining the competitiveness and quality of service of these public facilities, benchmarks in local commerce, requires their concessionaires and merchants to carry out significant investments for the renovation and modernization of their physical and commercial structures. Therefore, in order to undertake these improvements, the Madrid City Council has incorporated important innovations in the call for subsidies for this year for municipal markets and food galleries.

This action, framed in the Strategic Subsidy Plan 2023-2025 of the Government Area of Economy, Innovation and Finance, constitutes the fundamental pillar of line 3 of the Comprehensive Strategy for Strengthening the Commercial and Hospitality Activity of the City 2024_2027 and is intended The objective is to continue promoting the modernization and improvement, both structural and functional, of these establishments.

In this year, the council has foreseen a total credit of 6.2 million euros, which means allocating 1.5 million euros more than in the last call, in which the amount amounted to a total of 4.7 million of euros.

News in subsidies

To continue promoting and improving these commercial establishments, the new call brings together nearly a dozen new features. Thus, the holders of concessions of the municipal markets under an administrative concession regime will have among their eligible expenses those corresponding to the installation of biosolar envelopes (elements of the façade to improve the quality and purification of the air with the purpose of contributing to the self-sufficiency of the market from an energy point of view); the vestibules or acoustic distributors at the entrances; the establishment of senior care points; or updating tactile plans and installing pictograms representative of the position's activity.

For its part, among the new developments in eligible current expenses, it is worth highlighting those intended to attend to the elderly care points, which include personnel, communication and delivery expenses and, where applicable, those of the current rates for occupancy of premises. commercial expenses approved by the City Council for each municipal market that are no longer paid due to the authorization of the aforementioned senior care points. Likewise, those intended for the provision of free Wi-Fi service are also eligible for subsidies.

The subsidy percentage is also increased, from 30% to 50%, for various concepts such as carrying out construction works, comprehensive renovation or conditioning of commercial structures; acquisition and installation of industrial refrigeration equipment and others such as counters or display cases; acquisition of decorative elements intended to improve the general exterior image and general expenses to cover the above expenses. The subsidy percentage reaches 95% for concepts such as the installation of biosolar envelopes, acoustic lobbies, provision of senior care points, updating of haptic plans (which represent the distribution of spaces), and the installation of pictograms representative of the activity of the positions.

Investments in premises with a surface area greater than 500 m 2 will not be eligible, with the exception of those intended for the implementation of training actions linked to commerce and hospitality.

Evaluation criteria

The assessment criteria have been introduced in coherence with the new eligible expenses, so that they expressly include the expenses necessary for hiring circular managers, both internal and external personnel. In this sense, the maximum amount of aid set for the cases of current expenses referred to the circular managers, as well as the senior care points, is 20,000 euros.

With respect to the valuation commission, two external members belonging to the extraordinary chairs on commerce and circular economy in the management of public markets are added, created by virtue of the agreements signed between the Madrid City Council and the universities of Alcalá and Francisco from Vitoria.

Finally, note that the submission period will be twenty calendar days, and will begin on March 22, 2023.

Download the bases HERE