
The expense has been approved today by the Governing Board

The City Council will allocate 4.5 million over the next three years to aid the digitization of the commercial, hospitality and hotel sectors

  • The aid is intended for municipal market dealers or business associations in these sectors
  • The annual expense will be 1.5 million euros, expandable to two in case of demand and budget availability.
  • This line of aid, created in 2020, has already benefited 167 projects with 4.4 million euros

The Governing Board of the Madrid City Council has approved today to authorize a multi-year expenditure of 4.5 million euros for the next three years for subsidies to promote the digitization of the city's commercial, hotel and catering sectors. As explained by the municipal spokesperson, Inmaculada Sanz, at the press conference after the Governing Board, the total credit amounts to 4.5 million euros (1.5 million euros per year) and may be increased up to 6 million of euros (two million euros per year) in case of demand and budgetary availability.

The aid is intended for municipal market dealers or business associations in the commercial, hotel and hotel sectors that develop the project for which the subsidy is requested within the territorial scope of the municipality of Madrid.

The eligible projects in this call include:

  • Feasibility studies for the implementation of digital transformation projects: internal analysis of the resources and adaptation capacities of businesses to digitization and design of a technological strategy that responds to the proposed objectives.
  • Action plans for the creation of a digital corporate identity and culture.
  • Development of electronic commerce platforms, websites, internet presence and membership fees for electronic commerce supports.
  • Development or hiring of managers for the development of promotional actions through social networks and multimedia channels.
  • Recruitment of personnel for logistics applied to the online store: preparation of purchases, dispatch and control of orders, after-sales services.
  • Payment for the use of software tools for the commercial management of clients and their loyalty (CRM, sales APP).
  • Solutions to manage and automate processes.
  • Hiring of services for the use of electronic signage systems.

This line of subsidies is the first of the ten calls for aid under a competitive competition regime that the Area of Economy, Innovation and Employment plans to approve for the years 2023 to 2025, for which an initial total allocation has been provided in the preliminary draft of the 2023 budget of 11.8 million euros.

These aids are part of the strategic plan for subsidies that, in terms of trade and hospitality, contemplates up to 11 subsidy lines aimed at encouraging the modernization and improvement of the sustainability of municipal markets, their occupation, digital transformation, the operation of the associative fabric, the development of events to revitalize and position Madrid as the fashion capital with special attention to the fashion and craft sectors and the participation of designers in Madrid Fashion Week.

This strategic plan for subsidies will contribute to the financing of the actions necessary to achieve the objectives set out in the Support and Reactivation Plan for Retail Trade approved by the Governing Board, in the Sustainability Guide for Municipal Markets recently presented and in the Plan Government operation.

Previous aid for digitization

Since 2020, the Madrid City Council has been approving public calls for subsidies aimed at financing instruments and tools that facilitate the implementation and operational management of digital transformation processes of merchant associations and municipal market concessionaires in the municipality of Madrid .

The success of the four calls for incentives for the digital transformation of the commercial, hotel and catering sectors processed to date (one in 2020, two in 2021 and one in 2022), through which nearly 4, 4 million euros for the financing of more than 160 projects, justifies the publication of a new call. /