Zone Villaverde
9 results

ONCE has more than 1,750 vendors and vendors of illusion in the streets and routes of our community and more than 900 vendors and vendors in the ca...
ONCE Kiosk - Calle La Del Manojo De Rosas No. 6
ONCE has more than 1,750 vendors and vendors of illusion in the streets and routes of our community and more than 900 vendors and vendors in the ca...
ONCE Kiosk - Calle La Del Manojo De Rosas No. 64
SHOES DEL POZO in the Villaverde district has been taking care of your feet since 1967, worrying about your comfort and offering quality footwear a...
All kinds of national meats. Poultry and processed products. Great selection of Iberian sausages. With home service.
Perona Delicatessen Butcher Shop
Pollos asados y comidas caseras para llevar. Todos los días ofertas especiales y platos por encargo. (paellas, tortillas, asados) Una amplia gama d...
La casa del pollo
Una churrería con buen ambiente, para desconectar de la rutina...los mejores churros y porras de Villaverde, excelente chocolate y café con el exce...
La Factoría del Churro
Calderas a gas, aires acondicionados, termos eléctricos, calentadores a gas, renovación de calefacciones, aerotermia, suministro e instalación de c...
Innova Climatización SL
Since 1916 in Villaverde Alto. Juan Matas Martín arrived in 1916 from Ledrada (Salamanca) to Villaverde Alto with his first load of hams, where he ...
Artisans of the Iberian Matas
One of the 26 book-shaped benches that make up the "Sit to Read" 2024 exhibition promoted by JCdeCAUX, Dentsu and Pengüin Random, with the support ...
Amanda Black 1_ Juan Gómez-Jurado and Bárbara Montes