Zone Chamberí
11 results

In the heart of Madrid, near the Paseo de la Castellana and with a great culinary history is El Viejo León, a sophisticated restaurant whose fame p...
the old lion
Artisan pastry. Own workshop. Sweet and salty to eat in the dining room or take away. Home delivery. Catering
Carmine Pastry
The José Ortega y Gasset-Gregorio Marañón Foundation, based in Madrid, is a private institution specializing in Social Sciences and Humanities. It ...
José Ortega y Gasset Foundation - Gregorio Marañón
Work with the soul to reach beauty, with beauty to reach the soul. “I am not a hairdresser or makeup artist. I use the combs, the brushes, the dyes...
Monica Roldan Hair & Make Up
Único comercio en el mercado de Chamberí experto en pollo de corral y pollo ecológico. Horario: De lunes a viernes de 09:00h a 14:00h y de 17:00h ...
El Corral de CésarSmartTrasting. It is an innovative concept of storage rooms, lockers and warehouses, American style, where our objective is to be able to provide a...
SmarTTrasting - Smart Neighborhood Storage Rooms - Chamberí
SINCE 1914 “First house in suits for mechanics” Founded in 1914 by Perfecto Herrero, who at barely thirty years old decided to create a store dedic...
Vergara Blues
There is a small cubicle installed since 1996 in the heart of the market, where they dedicate themselves body and soul to what we all long for: tim...
Time Bailón watchmaking
AVILA MEATS The Hernández brothers (Venancio and Federico) are the new meat duo in the market but, like other colleagues, they come from Galería Ma...
Venancio Hernandez butcher shop
Pi’Oro Pastelería Artesana ha nacido con una idea clara: compartir nuestra gran pasión por la repostería tradicional con un toque moderno y persona...
Pi'Oro Pastelería ArtesanaTops Beauty is a center specialized in aesthetics and beauty, located in the heart of the Chamberí neighborhood, specifically at number 37, Joaquín...
Top beauty