
The commitment to strengthening Madrid's commercial fabric has taken a step forward with the joint initiative between the Madrid City Council and the University of Alcalá: the Extraordinary Chair of Commerce. This project, which emerged after the signing of an agreement in May 2021, has the primary objective of supporting and promoting retail trade in the Spanish capital.

The Chair stands as a bastion for traders, providing them with tools and knowledge to adapt to the demands of today's market. With the firm conviction of promoting innovation in this sector, we seek to facilitate the adaptation of merchants to new commercial strategies, as well as improve management levels and train commercial professionals, emphasizing the use of new technologies. and in effective business strategies.

The leaders of this Chair, professors Pedro Cuesta Valiño and Blanca García Henche from the University of Alcalá, encourage all merchants in Madrid to participate in the various activities and initiatives that will arise as a result of this project.

The Extraordinary Chair of Commerce is pleased to announce webinar 3 , entitled "Consumer behavior in food markets. The case of Madrid" , to be held on Wednesday, May 29 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. This event will feature the participation of Cristina Loranca Valle, Professor of Marketing at the University of Alcalá.

This webinar will address the analysis of consumer behavior in food markets, focusing on the Madrid context. Loranca Valle, marketing expert, will share her research and perspectives on how to understand and adapt to consumer preferences and behaviors in these traditional spaces.

Those interested in participating in this event can access the connection link provided.