
Autism Friendly Club, in collaboration with the Madrid City Council through the Everything is in Madrid program, has launched the AUTISM FRIENDLY ROUTE that includes all those businesses and restaurants that have implemented the Autism Friendly Program in their establishments. On the occasion of World Autism Day, celebrated on April 2 and among the events being held this month, this initiative was presented at Everything is in Madrid, which invites us to visit those spaces committed to people on the spectrum. of autism.

Madrid, April 14, 2024.- On the occasion of the events that were held around World Autism Awareness Day (April 2), Autism friendly Club, in collaboration with the Madrid City Council through the Todo program is in Madrid presented the Autism Friendly Route through which we can discover all those businesses and restaurants that have implemented the Autism Friendly Program in their facilities.

Autism friendly means being aware of the social and environmental factors that affect people on the autism spectrum. A commitment that involves modifications in communication methods and physical space to better accommodate the unique and special needs of the individual.

Although there is no official census of people with autism or autistic people, according to data from the Spanish Autism Confederation, it is estimated that there are currently 450,000 people with autism in the country. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that, worldwide, one in every 100 children is autistic. The data is currently reaching an even higher prevalence (pending validation).

The focus of autism is usually placed on childhood, however, we also have to look at the adult life of these people and their real inclusion. Likewise, from Autism Friendly Club, they remember that it is important to know that this condition manifests itself differently in each person, so knowledge of this reality and strengthening inclusive communication is essential to improve people's quality of life. within the autism spectrum.

According to data managed by the Autism Friendly association, only 1% of spaces in Spain are adapted for autistic people. “Our goal is for companies and Administrations to be aware that they are losing a great learning opportunity and we also insist on their responsibility through social commitment to an increasingly large population. The autistic condition is perfectly compatible with social environments, but we need to continue generating spaces for dissemination and pedagogy, not only with companies but also with public administrations," claims Alberto Gutiérrez, President of Autism Friendly Club Global, an international organization that was born in the city of Madrid and that in just 4 years has managed to create more than 600 'autism friendly' spaces in the world, in sectors such as restaurants, hospitality, education, commerce or health, and has already had its replica in other countries such as Argentina, the United States, Mexico or Colombia, becoming a social initiative that, from Spain, has become a global benchmark.

What does it mean to be an Autism Friendly space?

  • Use augmentative and alternative communication (SAAC) systems in common areas to map the environment and establish a “refuge area” to which those people on the spectrum who need it at some point can go.
  • Personalization, meeting the needs of each client
  • Training of workers in the environments.
  • Protocol for action in crisis situations

The adaptation of spaces and environments is the great challenge for society to guarantee the personal autonomy of autistic people.

  About Autism Friendly

  Established in 2020, Autism Friendly Club is an association with national registration whose main objective is to generate friendly environments for people with autism, something that will only happen through awareness and sensitization of society in general. They identify spaces that meet the requirements established by the organization in terms of signage, training and the design of specific protocols for autistic people.

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