Image The Madrid City Council, recognized with the National Domestic Trade Award 2023

The Madrid City Council, recognized with the National Domestic Trade Award 2023

The award has been awarded for the policy of supporting the commercial sector that it has been implementing since 2020, placing local commerce at the center as a driver of social and economic cohesion and a generator of employment.

The Madrid City Council, through the General Directorate of Commerce of the Area of Economy, Innovation and Finance, has been recognized with the National Domestic Trade Award 2023, awarded by the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business, for the policies it has developed since 2020 to support local commerce and reinforce its role as guarantor of the social and economic cohesion of its neighborhoods, in addition to actively contributing to job creation.

Digitalization through the 'Everything is in Madrid' program, the indirect management model of municipal markets and measures to support their modernization, dynamization and sustainability, interventions in public space in commercial areas , support for the fashion and shopping tourism and the encouragement of training and knowledge transfer through different programs are the main keys to the municipal policy to support commerce awarded with this award.

In 2023, the Year of Commerce in the city of Madrid, this award constitutes, according to the delegate of Economy, Innovation and Finance, Engracia Hidalgo, the endorsement of the public policies in favor of commerce that the Madrid City Council is carrying out. .

Talking about Madrid's commerce, Hidalgo said, “is talking about digital transformation through the 'Everything is in Madrid' Program; It is support for the promotion and revitalization of the main commercial hubs of Madrid; It is an investment in its municipal markets” as axes of commercial and also social cohesion of our neighborhoods; “it is committed to the fashion sector” as an emblem and city brand; “it is experiencing its crafts, its hospitality, its gastronomy” and daily supporting the attraction of shopping tourism that allows commercial strengthening, sustainability and the training of our merchants; “It is fighting for a hallmark of Madrid” from its markets to its flea markets, passing through the main commercial hubs and neighborhood stores of the city.

In short, the delegate stressed, this is an award for the effort of a city project carried out by “a great team of municipal workers dedicated to helping the city's merchants” and it is “a commitment of this Government team to make visible and raise awareness among citizens so that when they make their purchases they feel proud that Madrid's businesses strive to provide exquisite and quality treatment to all Madrid residents."

The National Domestic Trade Awards, held annually by the Government of Spain since 1997, aim to recognize the special work of city councils in their commercial urban renewal activities in city centers and of small businesses in their development work. commercial and business modernization through the improvement of technology and business association