Image Solidarity action 'An apple for life' in the Madrid Markets

Solidarity action 'An apple for life' in the Madrid Markets

'An apple for life' returns to support the almost 8,000 people with multiple sclerosis in the Community of Madrid

  • The campaign will take place on November 17 and 18 in five markets in Madrid where you can buy the solidarity apple for 1.50 euros.
  • The objective is to make this neurological disease visible and raise funds for neurorehabilitation and research.


This Friday, November 17 and Saturday, November 18, a new edition of 'An Apple for Life' will take place, a campaign that the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation of Madrid (FEMM) organizes, in collaboration with the Madrid City Council, through its Markets, with activities in five facilities of the municipal network:

  • La Paz Market.
  • Santa María de la Cabeza Market.
  • San Fernando Market.
  • Villa de Vallecas Market.
  • Las Águilas Market.


The objective is to raise awareness and make visible an invisible neurological disease with which nearly 8,000 families in the Community of Madrid live. In addition to contributing to the improvement of the neurorehabilitation services of the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation and supporting research into this disease.

People who go to these five Madrid Markets on those days will be able to purchase the 'solidarity apple' for 1.50 euros from the volunteers who will collaborate, selflessly, informing about this initiative, multiple sclerosis and its impact among young adult population.

The presentation of the campaign , which will take place this Friday, November 17 , will be attended by Carmen González Paz, general director of Social and Health Coordination of the Ministry of Health; Olga María Ruiz Castillo, deputy general director of Commerce and Markets of the Government Area of Economy, Innovation and Finance of the Madrid City Council; Dr. Celia Oreja-Guevara, from the Neurology Service of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital; a person with multiple sclerosis; the president and director of FEMM, Javier Puig de la Bellacasa and Carmen Valls Capell, respectively.