We are a very exclusive handbag firm focused on quality and design creativity with our own unmistakable identity. added value points 1. Each bag is unique, no two are the same on the market 2. Skins of the highest quality 3. Very high quality craftsmanship and in Spain 4
...We seek differentiation through mixtures of textures and colors, achieving bold and groundbreaking combinations. We move away from sobriety, staining each of our designs with color DIFFERENTIATION IS THE KEY 5. After-sales service for fixing the purchased parts The artisan elaboration gives the product a great romanticism and gives it uniqueness, scarcity, heritage and inheritance. Our business model differs since they are unique pieces, which implies a sustainable and responsible purchase, as well as having a very high quality and local production. It is a business model that combats overproduction, the main danger of the industry
There are two sisters who are behind this firm In 2012 Begoña G Valcarce founded and began to create unique bags and small leather goods under the VALGUT BAG brand, giving free rein to a passion that she had had since she was a child. The artisans responsible for executing their designs have extensive experience in the world of luxury accessories. Begoña comes from the world of strategic consultancy, and is specialized in Fashion and Law by Garrigues, in 2012 she decided to commercially exploit that creativity. His sister Amaya has always worked in marketing and events, which is why she brings her commercial vision. Together they form a good tandem, jointly covering the essential aspects when building a brand CREATIVITY, QUALITY and a BUSINESS PROJECT
Your workhorse is the product, investing in improving it, wondering what is good and what could be better. Its main tool is craft work. The quality is evident in each of the pieces. Behind each creation there is a visual, mental and intuitive investigation, always accompanied by the incalculable value of artisan work, made in Spain. In the world of handicrafts other things prevail that are not the conditions of time and the market. They do not follow the fashion rhythm of two collections a year, but rather they continually design small productions and always unique and unrepeatable pieces. One of its values is proximity. They try to build an intimate and personal emotional relationship with their consumer That's why they don't just sell a product, they want to offer an emotion. Their goal is to arouse interest in their designs, convey a concept, and provoke a reaction. From blah quality to the preference of the functional to the sensory. LOYALTY TO THE BRAND "Art is the signature, design is the brand and craftsmanship is the footprint" (Octavio Paz).
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