Mediation T. Hijosa
Mediation T. Hijosa
Business and Family Mediator registered in the Registry of Mediators of the Ministry of Justice . I help to reach satisfactory agreements for all parties in conflicts in the family, business and organizational spheres.
Mediation is a regulated, voluntary and confidential process in which an impartial and neutral third party helps the conflicting parties to reach mutually satisfactory agreements .
...Helps companies and families find solutions to their conflicts and preserve relationships (commercials/professionals/family members), avoiding their judicialization and minimizing costs .
At Avanza Mediación we provide a safe, neutral and confidential space, where all parties can express their concerns, explore their options and reach agreements. beneficial to all.
#Mediator #Mediation
09:30 to 14:00 and 15:00 to 18:30
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