Zone Centro

4 results

Thumbnail Neptune Fountain
Neptune Fountain

Along with Cybele, Neptune is one of the most beautiful and majestic fountains in Madrid. Both gods occupy prominent positions within the Greek myt...

Neptune Fountain
Thumbnail Ham López Pascual
Ham López Pascual

SINCE 1919 The preferred Iberian ham of “those from the Teatro Lara” Faustino López López founded a ham shop in Corredera Baja de San Pablo in 1919...

Ham López Pascual
Thumbnail Galician Bread Museum
Galician Bread Museum

SINCE 1887 Old-fashioned manufacturing   This rustic tahona, dedicated to baking artisan bread, can be considered one of the most traditional baker...

Galician Bread Museum
Thumbnail Campo del Moro Gardens
Campo del Moro Gardens

This historic garden, whose creation is due to Philip II, is one of the most special hidden corners of Madrid. Located in a green axis, with more t...

Campo del Moro Gardens