Zone Chamartín

6 results

Thumbnail Don Pan Cartagena
Don Pan Cartagena

Donuts from San Isidro, quality and tradition in all its varieties. We have all!

Don Pan Cartagena
Thumbnail Olid Valley
Olid Valley

Try our variety of San Isidro artisan donuts. You can enjoy them until the beginning of June!

Olid Valley
Thumbnail Saugar Bakery
Saugar Bakery

Bakery participating in the San Isidro 2024 donut route. Dumb, Smart, Santa Clara and French.

Saugar Bakery
Thumbnail The beautiful Clara del Rey
The beautiful Clara del Rey

The day of San Isidro arrives at La Hermosita and with it its famous donuts. Dumb, smart or from Santa Clara? Try the classic varieties and other s...

The beautiful Clara del Rey
Thumbnail Lyon Pastry
Lyon Pastry

One of our specialties is the San Isidro donuts. Come to our bakery and try them.

Lyon Pastry
Thumbnail La Hermosita Chamartin
La Hermosita Chamartin

The day of San Isidro arrives at La Hermosita and with it its famous donuts. Dumb, smart or from Santa Clara? Try the classic varieties and other s...

La Hermosita Chamartin