Image Soy de la Cuesta organizes the children's workshops CHARLIE AND THE GLASS LIFT

Soy de la Cuesta organizes the children's workshops CHARLIE AND THE GLASS LIFT

  • Organized by Chiquitectos, during the morning this story by Roald Dahl, the continuation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, will be explored.

  • There will be two workshops, the first aimed at boys and girls from 4 to 6 years old, and the second for young people from 7 to 12 years old.

  • This activity is part of the action plan that the Soy de la Cuesta Association carries out, thanks to the support of the Department of Culture, Tourism and Sports of the Madrid City Council, to impact the maximum visibility of the emblematic Madrid Book Fair of facing its centenary in 2025.

The Soy de la Cuesta Association, in collaboration with Chiquitectos, presents its new children's workshop “Charlie and the glass elevator”, an activity for the little ones and their families that will take place on September 23, 2023 in booth 22 of the Moyano slope. The hours will be from 10:30 to 12:00 for children from 4 to 6 years old, and from 12:30 to 14:00 for children from 7 to 12 years old.

In the workshop, children will travel through Roald Dahl's story, in which Charlie and Mr. Wonka travel through space in the enormous glass elevator. There they will meet monstrous characters and live an exciting adventure. During the morning, Charlie's journey aboard the elevator will be investigated and a similar one will be built to undertake a space trip with the whole family.

The price will be 35 euros for an adult with a minor, and 15 euros for an additional minor. More information and the registration form can be found at

These workshops are part of the #MadridSubelaCuesta action plan that said Association carries out thanks to the support of the Culture, Tourism and Sports Area of the Madrid City Council. The plan foresees the celebration of a series of events to attract new and old audiences to the Cuesta de Moyano, thus contributing to the reactivation of its commercial and cultural activity - after the health crisis that began in 2020 - and in anticipation of the centenary of its location on C/ Claudio Moyano in 2025.


Chiquitectos is a recreational and educational project to involve children and young people with the world around them and awaken their interest in the built environment and sustainable development.

Chiquitectos is based on transversal education, which promotes learning around the process and experience. Through different games and the elaboration of drawings, constructions, collages, and models at different scales - mostly made of recycled materials - the girls, boys and young people work and interact with the space, experiment with different materials and shapes, with light , they discover the importance of structure, and understand the meaning of scale and proportion. They also make constructions of their own size, thus developing their spatial intelligence thanks to the relationship with their own body. In the workshops they carry out, critical thinking is encouraged and their desire is to contribute to training citizens who are responsible for their decisions and who are capable of changing the state of things.

For 11 years, the Chiquitectos team has been carrying out projects in different parts of Spain and abroad for foundations, private and public institutions, early childhood, primary and secondary education centers and companies, where they also carry out training workshops for adults.

In addition, Chiquitectos has been a finalist in the selection of exhibition content for Uncertainty, the Spanish pavilion at the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale, and the urban action “Río Malasaña” was also exhibited in the Spanish Pavilion at the 2018 Venice Biennale. .

The SOY DE LA CUESTA Association

SOY DE LA CUESTA is a citizen initiative that started in 2019 with an audiovisual campaign aimed at the revitalization and improvement of the century-old Cuesta de Moyano. Then he had the selfless collaboration of Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Rosa Montero, Fernando Aramburu, Javier Sierra, Pío Caro-Baroja, Carmen Iglesias, MARWAN and Javier Rioyo, among others. Today they are all Honorary Members of the Association, along with more than one hundred other members, anonymous citizens from all over Spain, who add to their more than 10,000 followers on RRSS.

To date, SOY DE LA CUESTA has achieved improvements of crucial importance for the Fair, such as the exemption of booksellers from paying the 2020/21 fee, the putting closed booths out for competition (some since 1986), and the implementation of the #MadridSubelaCuesta revitalization plan with cultural actions in designated celebrations such as World Poetry Day, Bookstore Day, Women Writers Day, or Children's and Youth Book Day, always with content related to the book activity of Moyano and including cultural personalities as a pole of attraction for audiences of all types.