Image New edition of Tapapiés 2023

New edition of Tapapiés 2023

From October 19 to 29, the multicultural tapas and music festival celebrates its 13th edition in the traditional Madrid neighborhood, which becomes the gastronomic epicenter of the city with the Tapapiés festival

La Casa Encendida is the place chosen to celebrate the opening ceremony on October 19, which will be supported by the Madrid City Council.

In addition, the opening will be attended by the board of directors of the DISTRICT 12 association , Hugo Chan, brewmaster, and the hoteliers participating in Lavapiés.  


The Madrid City Council reaffirms its commitment to the local hospitality industry

Since it started in 2011, Tapapiés , an initiative of the merchants' association of the Lavapiés neighborhood, DISTRICT 12 , has become a benchmark for commercial and hospitality revitalization throughout the city.

The Madrid City Council promotes this event in an institutional and informative manner through the Madrid Fashion Capital and Everything is in Madrid projects, and through the subsidies granted to the organizing entity through the different calls managed by the General Directorate of Commerce. , Hospitality and Consumer Affairs.

The main objective is to make the city's commerce and hospitality the center of the public policies of the city of Madrid , which is why different strategies are promoted such as digitalization, training and the sustainability of local commerce. In order to promote these sectors, public-private collaboration is essential since it allows Madrid to increasingly position itself as a fashion capital and shopping destination.


The Markets of Madrid in TAPAPIÉS

As has been done in past editions, this 2023 the San Fernando and Antón Martín Markets will participate in Tapapiés presenting their tapas. So that everyone can taste the different bites, the participating bars and restaurants will also offer vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free tapas options , in addition to those that highlight the more traditional flavors .


TAPAPÍÉS: A festival full of music and flavor

Every year the participants in Tapapiés make every effort to create new proposals with which to conquer the palates of the public who will be invited to enjoy the event from Thursday, October 19 to Sunday, the 29th.

Tapapiés is much more than a gastronomic event, it is an authentic festival with live music in the different neighborhood squares. If something distinguishes Tapapiés from the rest of similar events, it is the wide variety of its gastronomic suggestions since through the different tapas presented by the neighborhood establishments you can travel all over the world.

With the collaboration of the beer brand El Águila , more than 100 bars and restaurants in the traditional neighborhood They will offer an exclusive tapa accompanied by a bottle or beer El Águila 1900 for €3 .

In addition, during the ten days that Tapapiés lasts, Lavapiés will host 30 free outdoor performances such as parades, concerts and children's entertainment during the weekends of October 20 to 22 and 27 to 29 during midday (1:30 p.m.) and night ( 8:30 p.m.).

All events will take place in the Arturo Barea, Nelson Mandela, and Lavapiés squares, as well as in the streets of Argumosa and Miguel Servet , while on Saturdays from 5 p.m. you can enjoy concerts in the Plaza de Cascorro.

Different groups such as BossaNjazz, Violante Blues, Kinfloks or One Day Workers , among others, will liven up the festival as well as the batucadas and charangas offered by bands such as Bloca Manglar, Hakuna Ma Samba or CombinArte.

Between October 19 and 29 you have an appointment in Lavapiés with the flavors and music of the world without leaving the city. Discover Tapapiés 2023!