Image FIESTA IS MADRID 2024: Ten years of the Madrid night at FITUR

FIESTA IS MADRID 2024: Ten years of the Madrid night at FITUR


The launch of the Fiesta is Madrid campaign 10 years ago had as its main objectives to boost the leisure and free time activities of the professional visitors who come to FITUR each year. Secondly, to convey to public opinion the importance that the celebration of FITUR has for Madrid, both in terms of economic impact and international tourist projection and, thirdly, it sought to highlight the importance that nightlife has for the attraction tourism of the destinations and, particularly, for the city of Madrid.

After 10 years, the results of this campaign have made it possible to highlight the importance of FITUR for the city of Madrid and the role of nightlife for the city's tourist attraction.

The Fiesta is Madrid campaign has the collaboration of Fitur/Ifema and the financial support of the General Directorate of Commerce, Hospitality and Consumer Affairs of the Government Area of Economy, Innovation and Finance and the Department of Tourism.


The Fiesta is Madrid campaign brings together the best leisure and show plans for exhibitors, professionals and attendees of this new edition of the International Tourism Fair (FITUR) to energize, mainly, the nights out and leisure activities of marketing professionals. tourists who attend this event.

This year, the Fiesta is Madrid campaign brings together more than 90 plans and promotions to enjoy the main discos, clubs, tablaos, show restaurants, cocktail bars and entertainment venues in Madrid and, at the same time, make visible the splendid moment for which The Madrid nightlife sector continues to innovate and invest in new establishments and entrepreneurial projects in the leisure and entertainment sector.

Furthermore, the 10 uninterrupted years of Fiesta is Madrid at Fitur have also generated spectacular figures in the Madrid leisure and entertainment sector that demonstrate the current excellence and dynamism of Madrid nightlife.

The importance of nightlife as a tourist attraction in destinations

The participation of NOCHE MADRID in this new edition of Fitur will also allow updating the data of the Study on the tourist importance of nightlife carried out annually by Noche Madrid among tourism marketing experts in relation to the importance of the recreational offer and leisure for tourist destinations. In this context, and according to the data from last year's study, 77.5% of professionals consider that nightlife and the recreational experience is quite or very important for tourist destinations.

Regarding the preferences of the recreational experience, the study shows that what people prefer to do when they go out at night at this time is meet new people for 59.88% of those surveyed, followed by dancing in a discotheque for 56.29%, and in third place going out to dinner with friends for 44.51%, which represents a change in trend with respect to pre-COVID studies that place the public's preference at this time on more intense activities and experiences and socialization.

In relation to the characteristics that make the nightlife of tourist destinations more important, the first and most important is the safety of the city at night, which is prominently chosen as the most important reason to enjoy nightlife for 64% of those surveyed, followed by the price of tickets and drinks for 49.20%, and, thirdly, the ease of finding leisure areas and venues for 42.37%.

Regarding the RANKING OF THE CITIES WITH THE BEST NIGHTLIFE IN THE WORLD and taking into account the opinion exclusively of foreign professionals who have attended Fitur, the first place is occupied by Madrid, followed by New York and Barcelona, which occupies third place in the ranking, Mexico City occupies fourth place and Amsterdam in fifth place in a ranking of thirteen cities from the five continents.


In this decade, the spending on leisure and shows generated by professionals who have attended Fitur has been 123.66 million euros. The total number of trips made by these professionals in this period was 1,675,326 and the average expenditure on each of them was 66.19 euros.

The evolution of this last figure is also noteworthy since in these ten years the average expense per departure has grown by 31.85%, going from 57.94 euros in 2015 to the 76.4 euros expected for average expenses in this edition. of 2024 from Fitur. Finally, it is observed that the average number of outings made by professionals who attend the fair has been 1.8 in the last 5 editions.


Taking into account the number of professional outings last year (1.72), the average expenditure per outing (€76.4) and the estimates of attendees from the Fitur organization itself, which expect to reach 150,000 professionals, An economic impact on Madrid nightlife of €17,659,264 will be generated this year in 2024 compared to the €16,000,000 generated last year, which represents an increase of 10.37%.

In the gastronomic field, NOCHE MADRID has once again opted for the offer of the municipal gastronomic markets with tastings at the Fiesta is Madrid stand itself.


As a final point, it must be said that the city of Madrid and the Community are at their best tourist and reputational moment in their history. Madrid and the community are in fashion and at the moment they are in the focus of the best European regions and competing between the main capitals of the developed world and the best tourist destinations internationally and there is no better place to show it than this fair that will receive more of 150,000 professionals who will be ambassadors of Madrid nightlife wherever they go.

It is an unprecedented success and of which nightlife is a part, constituting one of the pillars of our good tourist moment taking into account that, finally, nightlife is considered one of our main hallmarks of identity and Madrid brand image. which allows the hospitality and welcoming capacity of the lifestyle of Madrid residents to be projected as one of its main tourist attractions.