
With the collaboration of the Association of Merchants of the Barrio de las Letras

Starting on February 16, 2024, the Barrio de las Letras in Madrid will receive two exhibitions by the artist Santi Flores. After passing through Broadway Avenue in New York where his sculptures were part of the city for 6 months, Santi Flores continues with his proposal to simultaneously hold an urban exhibition and a gallery exhibition.



The artist will install 13 of his sculptures in the squares of the Barrio de las Letras in Madrid. Large-format works, 4.5 meters high, created in stainless steel, will be installed in different locations in the Barrio de las Letras.

Plaza de Santa Ana, Plaza de Platerías, Plaza de las Cortes, Sevilla/Alcalá intersection and the plaza adjacent to Serrería Belga and Caixa Forum will be the locations of the sculptures. A tour that, if the viewer wishes, can end with a visit to the artist's gallery-studio (Galería Nueva) also located in the Barrio de las Letras, Calle San Agustín, 14, where he exhibits his work ¨Solitude¨.

The works that will be part of the Barrio de las Letras for two months are sculptures that belong to the recognized artistic language of the artist, in this case a disproportionate raised hand has the purpose of drawing the viewer's attention to what is for the artist a gesture of reaffirmation of the individual as well as the desire to belong to the collective. Its different colors as well as the characteristic graphics make each of the works as unique as the human being.

This urban exhibition is carried out through the essential collaboration of the Association of merchants of the Barrio de las Letras and with the support of the Central District and the Area of Economy, Innovation and Finance of the Madrid City Council, Madrid Capital of Fashion and Everything is In Madrid.



Parallel to the urban exhibition in the Barrio de las Letras, Santi Flores also moves his studio to the Barrio de las Letras, specifically to the Galería Nueva on Calle San Agustin, 14, where he will exhibit his work ¨Solitude¨, an installation that a priori nothing It would have to do with the urban exhibition as it involves different artistic languages but it does share the same message towards the viewer.

Walking through a big city as if you were walking through a meadow, slowly, at your own pace, observing the urban landscape... and the human landscape: this could be the definition of ¨SOLITUDE¨, SOLITUDE and CROWD.

Solitude is an installation where the artist wants to show the individual as director of his own world, where he has the right to disconnect whenever he wants without having to receive social punishment for it and where together with others he develops a feeling of belonging to the world. society from which he neither shuns nor denies, with the awareness that the vast majority of his problems come from living in this community and also the majority of his joys.

The exhibition at Galería Nueva can be visited from the same day, February 16, with the opening event being on Wednesday, February 21 at 6 p.m.



Santi Flores was born in Albacete (Spain). A multifaceted artist, he began his artistic journey through music and the plastic arts, both hand in hand. Although music is his main occupation, in parallel, he builds his own language mainly through sculpture, but also using other channels such as painting or drawing. A few intense years as a musician cause a profound change in his creative world, above all, in the creation processes where production times, the calm of the studio and the profound development of his language once again open an infinite world in which to express himself. A turning point that tilts his artistic balance definitively towards the plastic arts.

His main means of expression is sculpture and metal, the material most present in his work. The knowledge of it and its modeling applied to his creations gives metal a less usual, more plastic appearance, being one of the most outstanding characteristics of his artistic language, both in his sculptural work and in his artistic forays into ready-made or the installations. The individual and his or her way of relating to other people and their environment are themes that he usually addresses in his artistic work.