Image #ChateaMadrid with Madrid Enoturismo and the Centennial Restaurants and Taverns of Madrid

#ChateaMadrid with Madrid Enoturismo and the Centennial Restaurants and Taverns of Madrid

Summer is here and with it comes the best plans to enjoy the city. Did you know that Madrid has an ASSOCIATION OF CENTENNIAL RESTAURANTS ? They are the oldest restaurants in the city! Well, they have launched #chateamadrid for the first month of summer, so you don't let it slip away and also enjoy the WINES OF MADRID and our best TAPEO.

Get to know the wines that are made in the Community of Madrid and the authentic traditional gastronomy in the Centennial Restaurants and Taverns of Madrid by the hand of #ChateaMadrid. Discover them here.

A flat of DO Madrid wine , red or white, for only €1, together with the special silk-screened souvenir glass and, in addition, participate in a raffle for 2 complete wine tourism experiences .

This initiative seeks to publicize the quality of Madrid wines in an environment as traditional as the Centennial Restaurants and Taverns that have more than a century of history.

From June 29 to Sunday July 23 or run out of stock, you can have a flat wine in 6 of the Centennial Restaurants that make up the association.

It is planned to give away around 10,000 chatos