
On January 31, at the proposal of the deputy mayor to declare 2023 the year of commerce in the city of Madrid , the plenary session of the City Council, taking into account the strategic relevance of this sector in the municipality and in consideration of its historical significance and the vocation of continuity and modernization that retail trade represents for the economy, culture and customs of Madrid residents and visitors to our city, unanimously approved the declaration of 2023 as the YEAR OF COMMERCE OF MADRID.

On the occasion of this declaration, which is based on a proposal from the Confederation of Specialized Trade of Madrid COCEM and has the support of the entire commercial sector, throughout 2023, in collaboration with the commercial sector associations, will be undertaken , the following actions and programs:

FIRST: Institutional Declaration of the Year of Commerce of the city of Madrid. Approved unanimously in the Plenary of the City Council on December 31, 2023.

SECOND: Development of the promotional campaign for the year of trade and communication, promotion and advertising campaigns for markets, areas and commercial sectors.*

THIRD: Organization and celebration of various events and the execution of different activities to revitalize sectors, commercial areas and markets, in collaboration with markets, trade associations and sponsors-

FOURTH : Expansion of the program Everything is in Madrid.

FIFTH . Extension of the incorporation of commercial signage to permanent road signage to all neighborhoods and commercial areas and means of transport.

SIXTH : Incentivization through subsidies for public-private collaboration and investment aimed at promoting and fostering

  • digitization of the sector. Call 2023_2025. Loan 2023 1.5 million euros expandable up to 2 million euros.
  • the modernization and improvement of markets and their sustainability. Call in process.
  • Carrying out actions to stimulate local commerce. Call in process.
  • Market occupation . Call in process.
  • The participation of designers in Madrid fashion week. Call in process.
  • associationism in the commercial sector. Call in process.

The initial budget allocated to these calls in 2023 exceeds 9 million euros

SEVENTH: Approval of the modification of the Market Ordinance

EIGHTH: Expansion of the market network with new producer markets in Hortaleza, Villa de Vallecas and Latina

NOVEMA: Improvement of the environment of the markets and shopping areas , with such important projects in the area of works and equipment such as the comprehensive remodeling of the area of the Mostenses market.

TENTH Support training by organizing new seminars through the Extraordinary Chair of Commerce, with the Fundación Secretariado Gitano and with SECOT and new agreements.

All these initiatives come to give continuity to the municipal policies to support the commercial sector that began in July 2019, to which since that date the Madrid City Council has allocated:

  • More than 58.8 million euros of budget allocated from July 2019 to December 2022 to finance the programs and actions to support trade managed by this General Directorate and the actions included in the Plan for the Promotion and Support of Retail Trade of Madrid managed by it and by other areas and districts for which the Madrid City Council obtained in 2021 more than 11.2 million euros (19% of the total invested) of European funds, in separate calls for public concurrence of support for markets and commercial areas and commercial strengthening of tourist areas (Order ICT 949/2021 of September 10 and Order ICT 951/2021 of September 10).
  • the institutional advertising resources dedicated to carrying out campaigns to support trade in the period July 2019 to December 2022, whose economic value amounts to more than 32 million euros.


  • Sustainable markets. January and February
  • I'm not plastic, I'm from the market. January
  • Buy in bulk in the markets of Madrid. February and March
  • open trail, March
  • The value of the authentic. February
  • Fashion Week: MBFWM: February
  • Fashion Week: Madrid is Fashion: February
  • Everything is in Madrid, Year of Commerce. March
  • Centennials of Madrid. March
  • Sit down to read. April