The Madrid City Council and the Community of Madrid have announced in the official bulletins the opening of two public calls for subsidies for the year 2025. These grants are intended to promote training and revitalization in the commercial, hospitality and hotel sectors, as well as to modernize municipal markets and food galleries.
Both calls will be open for applications from January 28 to February 17, 2025 , both dates inclusive.
Call for the promotion and training in the commercial, hospitality and hotel sectors
The aim is to finance projects by non-profit associations in the commercial, hospitality and hotel sectors, as well as concession holders in municipal markets, to carry out studies , communication campaigns , and training in areas such as digitalisation, shopping tourism and innovation.
This call for proposals has an initial budget of 1,200,000 euros, which can be increased to 500,000 euros if the budget is available.
Eligible projects may be:
- Studies and commercial performance programs linked to specific communication or advertising campaigns.
- Promotion actions for specific sectors or commercial areas through communication and advertising.
- Specialized training, such as digital training or development of shopping tourism.
Call for the modernization and revitalization of municipal markets and food galleries
Its purpose is to support investments in municipal markets and food galleries to improve infrastructure , energy efficiency , accessibility and sustainability .
This call for proposals has a budget of 6,170,000 euros, which can be extended to 1,500,000 euros in case of demand and budget availability.
Eligible performances include:
- Renovation, modernization and conditioning works on facilities.
- Installation of fire protection and energy efficiency systems.
- Acquisition of refrigeration equipment, display cases, exhibitors and decorative elements.
- Installation of electric vehicle charging points and solar panels.
- Accessibility improvements and technical studies to evaluate facilities.
Applications may only be submitted online for legal entities. Natural persons may submit their application at the Madrid City Council's Registration Assistance Offices , as well as at the registries of other Public Administrations. For further information, interested parties should contact the official channels of the City Council and the Community of Madrid.